Are phone chargers a fire hazard?

4 minute read

Hands plugging a charger into a mobile

With the introduction of mobile phones, many households have done away with the home telephone. But like any electrical device, mobile phones and their chargers can pose a fire risk. In this article, we look at what can be done to keep you and your home safe.

Nowadays, it seems hard to imagine a life without mobile phones. For many, they’re not just a phone, but a navigation system, a camera, a notebook, a calendar and much more, too. But all this usage requires a lot of power and therefore it’s likely that you’ll be charging your mobile phone regularly. Depending on how much you use the phone, it could require charging every few days or even every day.


Can phone chargers cause fires?

The risk of any device catching fire is so small that it shouldn’t be a cause for concern, but any electrical device in your home can catch fire, including phone chargers.

To ensure that you and your family are kept safe and to reduce the chance of a fire at home, you can follow the below safety tips.


How to charge your mobile phone safely

Use chargers provided by the manufacturer

It is advisable to charge your mobile phone using the charger that came with it or one that was purchased from the manufacturer. Purchasing a cheaper alternative or accidentally buying a falsely branded product could mean there’s a higher risk of a fire. Fake copies can look very authentic but often don’t meet the UK’s strict safety regulations, so only buy chargers from stores that you trust.

Around 1.8 million phone chargers are purchased in the UK each year and customers often want a good deal or a cheap charger. These are not always safe, so it’s worth spending that little bit extra to purchase from a reputable source if you can afford to.


Avoid overcharging and undercharging

There are a lot of myths about charging your phone. Some say to only charge your phone when the battery is less than 30%, while others say to wait for it to run out completely and then recharge it. So, who should you listen to?

Firstly, let’s tackle the issue of letting your phone lose power completely once it reaches 0% charge. The more times you allow this to happen, the faster the battery will lose power in the future. This means that over the years you have your phone, you may find that it loses battery much faster. To prevent this, it’s advised that you plug it in when it has between 10% and 30% charge.

Secondly, it’s also advised that you don’t always charge your phone to 100% battery. This is because many modern phones use lithium-ion batteries that suit partial instead of full charging. It can be much safer to unplug once it’s reached around 80% charge instead of leaving it charging well after the battery is full.

Phone charging on table.

Is it safe to charge my phone all night?

Many people choose to charge their phone at night. This might make logical sense, as it’s likely you’re not using your phone as much during this time. However, by leaving the phone plugged in overnight for 8 hours or more it is likely to overcharge - which as explained above, may hinder battery effectiveness over time.


Check the charger for signs of damage

If your mobile phone charger is showing any sign of damage, such as exposed wires or cracking on the outer casing, it may be safest to purchase a replacement. Damage like this can increase the risk of an electrical fault occurring.


Avoid extreme temperatures

Batteries can be affected by the weather, particularly as they can get quite hot. A warm battery is okay, but it can become dangerous if the battery isn’t able to get rid of this heat easily. When charging your phone, it’s best to keep it in a cool place and out of direct sunlight. You should never cover the phone with anything while it’s charging, as the battery could overheat.


Avoid overloading sockets

This advice isn’t just applicable to mobile phones but any electrical device. It’s important that you don’t plug too many devices into one plug socket by using multiple extension cables. It’s safe to use one extension cable in a double plug socket, but it would be dangerous to plug one extension cable into another or to have two extension cords plugged into one double socket.


Does home insurance cover fires caused by mobile phones?

If you have the right level of protection, home insurance can cover fires caused by both phones and chargers.  In this scenario, both buildings and contents insurance can be of use.

Buildings insurance protects the structure of your home, not just against fire, but also flood, theft, and other damages.

Meanwhile, contents insurance can be used to protect your household items, such as valuables, furniture, as well as your mobile phone. You may even be able to insure your mobile phone under a 'personal possession' add-on. This will cover it against loss and theft while out of the house.

If you’re worried a fire may damage your home and household items, you might want to consider revising your insurance options.

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So, are phone chargers a fire hazard? Overall, the chances of a phone charger causing a fire are quite low, especially if you follow this guidance: 

  • It can be safer to use the charger provided by your phone's manufacturer.
  • Ideally, try to avoid charging your phone overnight. This way you can unplug your phone when it's between 80-100% charged, which helps to avoid overcharging.
  • Avoid using a charger that shows any sign of damage, such as exposed wires or cracking on the outer casing.
  • Leave your phone on charge in a cool, dry place, rather than in direct sunlight. 
  • Like all electrical devices, you should never overload your sockets, such as plugging one extension cable into another. 

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